Little Einsteins
(6 weeks to 12 Months)
1:4 Teacher-to-student Ratio
Detailed Daily Reports
Internet Cameras

Infants grow at an amazingly rapid rate during the first year of life. Not only do they grow physically, they also grow developmentally and emotionally as well. It is imperative that your child receives the nurturing and love to foster your child’s growth and development. Our highly trained caregivers will work with parents to develop an individual plan of child care for each child that fosters growth and development. Below are some milestones you should expect to see during the first 12 months:
- Supports head and upper body when on stomach
- Grabs and shakes hand toys
- Pushes down legs on flat surfaces
- Making cooing sounds
- Explore objects with hands and mouth
- Finds partially hidden objects
- Crawling
Our caregivers will carefully monitor and document your child’s growth and progress. We will issue you an electronic daily report by email or text detailing your child’s activities for the day. Additionally, our child care center will consult with you daily and implement any changes you deem necessary. Our goal is for you and your child to have a successful experience. To learn more please call or schedule a visit. We look forward to meeting you!